Room 11 Mugshots!

Room 11 Mugshots!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ready for school by Lee

Wake up "huh im late" quickly take off my nice warm blanket flip off my bunk thinking im superman "uh oh" Bang straight on my back. Back on my feet run out the door to the sittingroom walk back thats strange mums not awake walk to my window and find out its still dark. So I stomped my way to the clock "aww man its only 4'oclock" then i clicked "wait a tick that means I've got 4 more hours till I have to go school woo hoo" I started dancing around then "Lee" "sorry mum" I sneacked my way to my room to get dressed. I slipped my pants and t-shirt on I shivverd "now for the shoes" run to the sittingroom with my socks on "slip slip" went my shoes "breaky time" reach in the cupboard "ahh here it is turn the element on high so it could cook faster put just enough water in. grab four eggs out of the fridge slowly pop them in the pot so they dont crack. Switch the tv on change it to channel 40 "hey just in time for a kind of magic" 3 minutes later take the pot of eggs off the stove run it under cold water. Get the toaster from ontop of the fridge slip two slices of bread in the toaster "pop" goes the toast. Butter the toast and watch it melt down like ice on concrete and the sun shinning on it. I licked my lips crack the eggs and put them on the toast I put the plate on the table "ahh" I rubbed my hands together and prayed "crunch"  mmm after my breaky I said "poptropica time" press the start button "how much time do I have 3 more hours left yes. THE END


  1. wow nice similys and adjectives \

  2. i loved it Lee its was so funny how your mum graled you hahaha but the rest was awesome

  3. cool and long moring mistakes spotted but forget that simles there were stunning did you really flip off the bunk?

  4. i relly like the starting
    of your story its awsome
    i like the thoughts and feelings
    like that bit that said i
    jumped off my bunkbed thinking
    that i am super man

  5. Kia ora Lee
    Hahaha! Great writing son. Mummy likes you to sleep in till 6.00am at least so you can have lots of energy for the day. Next time you get up that early can you make mummy a coffee please (you make great coffees).

  6. Realy nice creativity lee try using some more show rather then tell you realy hooked me lee

  7. I like the thought and your feeling

    by jae

  8. Lee that is a nice piece of personal writing! I like how you used a simile to describe your butter melting 8-)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. wow what an amazing story i like story

  11. ithink your on level 4 because i love how you used your similies and how you described the butter melting

  12. awsome story lee good similes and yeah i hope another story comes

