Room 11 Mugshots!

Room 11 Mugshots!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

The missing children by Kasinga and Jae

Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl who lived with their parents across a forest. Margret is only  10 years old Evin is only 9 and half years old.  Margret and Evin have two friends named Jacob and Leane who went to the same school as them.  Their school name is edge water primary school.  Jacob and Leane went to Margret and Evin's house nearly every day.  One day Leane,Jacob,Margret and Evin were playing a game called HIDE AND GO SEEK.  It  was Evin's time for Evin's  to count.  Evin thought he should look for Margret first.  He went to look for Margret inside the house but when he was looking he saw someone run past outside so

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