Room 11 Mugshots!

Room 11 Mugshots!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Best (and worst) of BMPS camp, 09 by Mr P

Here are the worst things about the BMPS camp 09:

- Snoring! The first night, I woke up 6 times because of snoring. Then, the next evening Mr Lyth said he would sleep in the first aid room, I slept really well that night...was he the culprit???

- Lumpy porridge! On the first morning, the breakfast porridge was as lumpy as marshmallows floating in milo.....urrrghhhh. Thankfully for the rest of the week, the porridge had been mightily improved!

And the best parts?....there were so many!

My top 3 would have to be:

#3 Archery and Air-rifles. There is something very satisfying about hitting a target with a projectile!

#2 Yummy-as food! Aside from that first bowl of porridge...the food was AWESOME, especially the home-made pizza and delicious mince pies.

#1 Playing cards at midnight with the teachers. I haven't had so much fun for a long time!

