Room 11 Mugshots!

Room 11 Mugshots!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

bella and joe in candy land

tittle:joe&bella in candy land
story type: fantasy
setting:candy land
main problem:joe was living in candy land in till a witch come over and took over candy land
the witch like to cook kids into a pie

Narritive planning

Title: Fairyill killer
Type Of Story: Horror fantasy
Characters: (lorrance The EVIL fairy) (luke brother of lorrance the good fairy)  (marcus the kid) (marcus parents (amy the other kid) (amys parents) (alison another fairy) (jake best freind of luke)
setting: fairyland and the real world
main problem: lorrance is killing not only fairys but humans too and luke along with the help of his best freind jake


The missing children by Kasinga and Jae

Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl who lived with their parents across a forest. Margret is only  10 years old Evin is only 9 and half years old.  Margret and Evin have two friends named Jacob and Leane who went to the same school as them.  Their school name is edge water primary school.  Jacob and Leane went to Margret and Evin's house nearly every day.  One day Leane,Jacob,Margret and Evin were playing a game called HIDE AND GO SEEK.  It  was Evin's time for Evin's  to count.  Evin thought he should look for Margret first.  He went to look for Margret inside the house but when he was looking he saw someone run past outside so

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My plan by Zane,Jerome

Title: The abandoned mine
Story type horror:
Ccharacters: Zack,Cody,Candice,Bart,Amanda,Jack
Setting: In an old abandoned mine with bats and
man eating people in a cave
Main problem: Zombies and man eating
people start shooting arrows and rocks in sling shot at jack
Action and outcome:Zack macks the distraction while Bart is shooting the people with rocks
and old arrows that they found on the way to the mine and a home made sling shot in the
bush when Bart was shooting the people amanda and candice whet to save jack
And cody stayed back to kill the man eating people

story writting plan

Tittle: C.S.I most wanted
Story type: Horror
Characters: Tara, Arnold, Betty
Setting: Forest in an unknown planet
Main problem: Tara is a little girl that is adopted by a family and likes
to kill children her age, but her mum and dad thinks shes just a
sweet little girl
Action and Outcome: The family gets a phone call from a man name
Dr iroh in Canada saying that tara was on an most wanted paper in canada
but tara flew from canada

hunted house by katie

CRIP CLAP the sound of the ground.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Narrative planning by Lee and David

Type of story: Horror
 Title: Butterflesh on Walter street
Characters: felo Butterfly. Jojo the nine year old girl. chief martin the chief of the police station at Walter street.A man called john. A scientist called harry that helps the police.
Setting: A place called Walter street 
Main Problem: A butterfly called the Felo butterfly flys around and bites people through the night the skin starts to peel of and then a swarm of butterfly's sweep them up and leaves the next day the person kills himself and the police along with scientists have to stop the breeding of these butterflys.
Action Outcome: The scientist think that they got rid of the breeding of the Felo butterfly but then when no one was around the street and somewhere else a bush wiggles then the butterfly comes out of the bush the butterfy flys inside a house a the next morning you here a scream.
