Room 11 Mugshots!

Room 11 Mugshots!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

reflection on niuean group

Yesturday in the hall the niuean group we practised doing our introduction,haka,goodbye song and last was main song.I was always in the wrong spot until i memorized then i lost it.Giffney kept yelling at me because i got stuff wrong everytime and i heard Laz was bullying Joey and yeh thats about it

NFL reflection by olympic

On Saturday evenings me and my brother Jacob go outside and he teaches me to play NFL until 9.00a.m and while he teaches me how to play NFL I feel more encouraged to play this sport and one  day I want to play NFL in America and play for The Minisota vikings or the Pitchburg Steelers or the Green Bay Packers and I want to teach more people about this awesome sport.

Reflecting on soccer goaly skills.

In  school  I  sometimes have a goal to have like to improve on my reflexis of  my goal skills  and shooting goals

Aidan,Jerome and kasinga's reflection on camp

We think that camp was the best thing that year because we love all the food and all of the games we played.  We mostly enjoyed kayaking and air rifles because we got to  swim in the water and we got to hold guns.we also enjoyed abseiling.  We enjoyed  abseiling cause that was the first time for us to walk down the wall.  that was the most enjoyable time for us.

culture reflection by Jana

We are doing culture performance at 6:30pm. My group is the Samoan group and we have 5 items
the hardest thing to learn is to remember the moves, smile and sing.The thing that I remember is the threatenings that preise made to us, like if  we be bad we would get a shoe thrown at us.
Now that I learnt all these things I now learnt that for the people that don't understand samoan, they can understand by the actions and this will help if I go to polyfest.         

levi marist and jaes reflection

its been 2 weeks since every culture group has been practising but todays the day we are performing in front of  a whole inteare audeins tonight im excited and nervuose before we performe we are going to have a shared lunch follewed by a lottu prey.our togan boys  are wereing a hula skert white shirt and a black tupanu the girls are wereing a kai fua dula mat baby oil for the money to stick on us and we like to thank miss kisiona and paia for taking us so far on our Tongan dance

Reflection on cupstacking by leeleeboy

On the weekend my step cousin Ryan taught me how to cupstack and my goal was to have a great time and after a boring month I actually had an amazing time. And after a day I improved on it and went from 1:00 minute to 23 seconds a tip I learnt is don't  play it for longer than 6 hours. After every 6 hours take a break or else your not gonna get any better then before. I think it will help with competitions and new strategies. But that was my cousins set so I couldnt take it home he told me it was $80.00 so now im gonna work for it and buy a set.

culture reflection by Tatyana

We are doing culture peformances and my goal is to really smile and be confident and trying not to do any mistakes

Were doing culture festival at 6:30

 We are going to peform in front of our parents and other people.The hardest thing about peforming is to smile at them and just remember the songs and actions we did in the past weeks.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

culture groups by jerome

it cool to be in a culture becuse it fun and cool
culture is all about haveing fun and dance
becuse culture is fun and cool
and cultre groups so cool

reflecting on cook island culture group

This year hayley,amelia and i would like to reflect on the cook island culture group because we all know the moves and we all use our positive additude but some time we dont.we are really really proud off our cook island and keep it up!!!

culture groups by katie

On the day the kapa haka group and me were praticeing our dance so that the whole aduiences could see our wonderful dance. We practies sometimes every day but the most is monday. Friday is the day that the whole senoir syundicate pratice there dance for the BIG NIGHT. we have lots of dance moves to do and to sing our heart out.

culture group reflection

I am doing an culture group dance in the middle of heaps of audiences.My big goal that i have to achive is to; think back to what i was doing and try my best to think back to my actions and try to memorise the songs we sing off my heart. My changes is to sing within me and  reflect think and try to think back to what happend.To keep my self going to make my life go realy longer i have to reflect and think about what i am doing.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The time the boys won the basketball tournament.

As you can see we won the finals woo hoo.When the boys basketball team won we ran in and hugged each other.Then after we won the match we ran to our parents and hugged them.Then it was time to go home

Culture groups by olympic

This is week09 of Term 3 so far the Samoan group is going well because next Wednesday  we will be doing our dress rehearsal and the Samoan boys are planning to the Samoan rugby league haka, and next week on Thursday,we will be preforming in front of the parents but anyway the Samoan group is going well.

When the bairds mainfreight teams made it to the Kasinga mafi

I am really proud of our school basket ball teams because we made it to the finals.I proud of our teams because the boys came 1st place and the girls came 2nd place.the girls team had to say every thing that we did well at and i said that we made from the begging to the finals and we came 2nd place.

that is all i want to sday about our teams

Photos of the Otara basketball competition

Congratulations again to the boys (1st place) and girls (2nd place)! You rock!

BMPS physical activity survey

Hi children,

Please take a moment to complete this survey. Your responses may help to improve the quality of physical activity at BMPS.

Click here to take survey

Thank you
Mr Pareanga
