Room 11 Mugshots!

Room 11 Mugshots!


Monday, March 29, 2010

The highlight of the tearm by Tatyana fuimaono

My highlight of the temr is when is when played indoor criket in the hall.we had two teams dogs and cats.we play dogs vs cats.the cats had 98points and dogs had 120 points.when we were playing i think it was the 5th person who got us up to 106.It was so cool because our 5th person got us up to 106.we were all saying thak you to the 5th person.when she came and sat down we can hear her puffing from the other side.
she was so tiered that she could only say you are welcome.we all laughed hahaha.go dogs.

the highlight of term1 by junior

my highlight is cricket because we got to witnnes different skills and we got to meet other people that we know and people we don't know.

the girls won to a lot of teams and so as the boys.

thrid place went to yendara

second place bmps

first place SEMHP

our coach was very happy

my highlight of tearm 1 by patricia

my higtlihgt of tearm1 is playing with the tennis was fun when we had to pick up all the tennis balls and put our tennis racits in the big bags.i liked it when we hated to do prese ups only the losers team our team was the most who hate to do the prses ups.i didint want to do prese ups so then i did knee prses ups instered.


My highlight of term 1 by Vinnie

My highlight is basketball because all of the amazing dunkers.I like basketball because of the creative basketball players.I like basketball because you can side step them.I like because its cool and I like it.I like basketball because I like to be in basketball.

highlight of term 1

my highlight is cricket because i like throwing.

its fun i like getting hit with the ball.

i like dodgeing the ball to.

i like batting and bowling.

i like cacthing the ball.

My highlight of term1 By Amelia kelly

                                             my highlight of term 1 was playing tennis with the tennis experts
                                            and haveing fun with the tennis people i enjoyed playing tennis i loved playing
                                             the game were you vs 2 people .i like the game were you have to hit the ball
                                             and try and hit the ball and then it goes to the next person in your team.

My highlight of term 1 by LEVI

My highlight of term 1 is playing cricket because it is very fun and active I like smashing the ball and getting
people out. I like cathing people out or boul them out .
its a team game and I love team games you can take turns and have a bat until you get out

My highlight of term1By katie

                                         my highlight of term 1 was seeing marighti having a wonderful time at bmps.
                                         i liked how we made new friends.
                                         we done lovley tapa cloth.
                                           we had a good time on the play ground.
                                           i loved how we played with the rako sticks.


my highlights of term 1 by david

                                                       I liked the cricket tournament.

                                                   I liked catching people out on a  full.

                                                           I liked smashing the ball.

                                                  I did'nt like it when sir ed came ist.

                                                                 I liked bowling.

The highlight of tearm 1 by jerome&Alex

My highlight of tearm 1 was when Iplayed criket
because it fun and cool. I like playing criket
it is cool and super beause it is vrey cool.

The highlight of term 1 by kasinga MAFI

My highlight of the term is when bairds mainfreight primary teams came 2ND on was so cool when both teams came 2ND.the girls lost one game against SEREDMON HILLIRY and the boys lost against yendara boys and camed draw with SEREDMON HILLARY.we were all scereming when they said second place BMPS girls.second place for boys BMPS THE BOY WERE ALL SAY YEAH.
WE ALL CAME BACK TO SCOOL AND RAN THROUG THE gates and went too our classes and told them.

highlight of term1 by jae

My highlight of term 1 was tennis.

Because its active and keeps you fit.

It is fun and i like playing.

And i like running and chasing the ball.

Meeting new people and chalengeing outher people.

the hghlight of term1 by Olympic

my higlight is cricket because we got to see all 8 teams  compete it was fun that we got six wins and 1 draw and a loss but it was a great day and the girls cricket team played well, yendara girls and boys came third place and bairds mainfreight boys and girls came second place and overall SEHP boys and girls came first place sportsmanship went to dawson rd primary school we were very happy that we came second place and our coach was allso very happy to.

My highlight of term 1 by stevie

My highlight is soccer because you can kick the ball in mid air and you can headbutt the ball which is kind of hard because it might hit your face. soccer is cool and I like it. Soccer is tricky and hard because you only use your head and feet. Soccer is one of the sports that I want to play when I grow up.

The Highlight of Term 1 by AIDAN

My high light of term1 By Jana.

My highlight of term 1 was tennis .
 It was fantastic we played all sorts of games .
 If  lost we had to do push ups it was outstanding I enjoyed it!
We lernt all sorts of tennis skills.

The highlight of tearm 1 by zane

My high light of tearm1was when the softball team went to mafield park and vsed heaps
of other schools around otara.We won onece and lost the rest of them but thankfuly the girls
softball team came first and mad it in to the finniels. we came sixth least we sported the girls on their last
games against yendarers girl team.when the refery bloed the wisle the girls were tiried and
couldnt wait to sit down and rest.

My high light of the term1 By Larielle

My high light of term1 is science because it is realy easy and its fun.
The whole of rm 11 got to do sherbit with mr pareanga before any other class.
Science is realy fun we lernt alot about electricity, magnets and acids.
Its realy fun with magnets also if you drop a magnet the domains in side it will become weaker and weaker.
When we did electricity we stuck nails and wires in the lemons and the acid in the lemon made a huge light

Highlight of term 1 by lee and c

our highlight of term one was basketball because we are the champs and the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be.

we lost 2 games but we won the rest.

we liked basketball and we hope we make it in in term 2.

naa just jokes we will make it in term 2.

once again and just remeber we are the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be.

The Highlight of Term 1 by Mr Pareanga

My highlight this term would have to be hosting the vistors from Maraetai.

When they arrived, we treated them to a whole load of fun activities like pacific art, dance and food. It was a real cultural experience!

They enjoyed their time at BMPS and made new friends.

We competed against them in a game of T-ball and I think BMPS children won (but don't tell Maraetai)

I hope to meet all the cool kids of Maraetai Primary again in the future.

ONSS Cricket photos 2010

WALT create an awesome BLOG

Today we are learning to create an awesome blog!

Success criteria for awesome blogs:

- labels (help people identify what the blog is about)
- text (What are you writing about and Why?)
- media (photo/video/music)

See my Blog example for details

Monday, March 8, 2010

Kasinga and Amelia's blog


we learnt how to get the car to the end.

olympic& cedrics game

we learend that the earth takes 12 hours to go around the sun.





Aidan and Zanes science blog



we learnt what is flexible and strong.We found out that metal and rubber are
strong and flexible.

lee and stevies game



we learnt how to reflect light to diffrent objects.
jae and junior


the game width="584"

Kasinga and Amelia's blog


like how to maake a car slide to the other side of the track

Science blog by JANA & LAURIELLE

hi am
laurielle and i found a game that teaches you all about magnets.
please play it.


Monday, March 1, 2010

lees and itaps game



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zane and totives science blog

this is my favourite .This is all about earths rock its got good info in it.ENJOY. width="584"

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